
The Alexander Technique is a method for learning better dynamic balance and improved functioning of the mind-body as a whole. It teaches students to observe and bring into consciousness their own thought and movement habits. Then one learns how to make choices that create more ease and freedom in all their functioning.

Students learn to use this method of expanded mindful awareness and focus to enhance their everyday and work activities such as sitting, standing and walking. They can also learn how to apply the concepts to specific activities in the arts, sports and business.

People who have stress, headaches, backaches, insomnia and those recovering from injury can benefit from the Alexander Technique.

Generally the Technique is taught in individual student-teacher lessons where the student is guided to new sensory experiences that help provide expanded possibilities for thinking and moving. The student is taught how to make these experiences and concepts part of a discovery process they can continue outside the lesson.


Alexander Technique is a modality of Body-Mind coordination that gives students an access point to management of their movements and body.

This technique was discovered and codified in a manner that could be transmitted, by Frederick Matthias Alexander. It is a process of education through hands-on guidance, verbal cues, and clear patterns of thought that were discovered to re-educate people in their habitual patterns of movement and posture.

The foundation of this, was Alexander’s postulation that people do not have an accurate sense of the proper ‘use’ of their bodies, at rest, and in motion. And that habitual patterns were so ingrained and so subtle and so immediate, that one cannot heal himself. Thus, there is a mental discipline that is undertaken at the same time as a physical reorganization, as the connection between the ‘body’ and the ‘mind’ are not seen as separate actors.

Students find that taking on the work of Alexander Technique affects more that the immediate physical pain that brought them to it. When one learns to work efficiently with the minimum of effort needed, one streamlines extraneous effort, and eliminates the pain and ‘side-effects’ of working counter to the way we were meant to function.


With many, if not most, types of physical therapy, be it chiropractic, strictly medical or even outside the recognized health fields, a person puts themselves into the hands of a physician of sorts, and has them adjust, move, manipulate, or medicate the ‘patient’. The take-off point of AT is that one comes in, as a student, in order to learn to make corrections in his use of himself, in order to adjust those things that have brought about the problems that had him seek help in the first place.

People from many walks of life finally find a solution with AT.

Students find that taking on the work of Alexander Technique affects more that the immediate reason, such as pain, that brought them to it. When one learns to work efficiently with the minimum of effort needed, one streamlines extraneous effort, and eliminates the pain and ‘side-effects’ of working counter to the way we were meant to function.


Curriculum or Teacher Qualifications:

There is no required length of time to continue the lessons, and no minimum attendance requirements.

Alexander Technique instructors have followed at least 3 years of intensive study and mastery of these techniques on themselves in order to physically transmit the information necessary to guide the student.


Personal Information:

Tsipora Borger
Brooklyn NY, 11229

Bachelor’s of Science in International Business
Master’s in Educational Leadership

Certified EMT
Trained Doula

I speak French and Hebrew.

After working with many people, especially as an EMT, and seeing the effects of a lifetime of misuse, be it weight/diet, smoking, drugs, alcohol, and/or a sedentary life, I took on a demanding physical practice to avoid these things personally. After approximately 2 years of limited success, yet serious effort, I noticed an inability to make my body fully cooperate, despite the best of intentions and expectations.

I then made the round of ‘modalities’ of Body-Mind offerings in the Metropolitan New York area, (and there are many!) and after many false starts discovered Alexander Technique. After renewing and beginning my second 10-lesson package, and finding long-time aches and pains disappear and a new understanding of my own body and mind connection, I decided to take on this course study of study to facilitate communication between my intentions and my body, and teach this valuable technique to others.

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