With many, if not most, types of physical therapy, be it chiropractic, strictly medical or even outside the recognized health fields, a person puts themselves into the hands of a physician of sorts, and has them adjust, move, manipulate, or medicate the ‘patient’. The take-off point of AT is that one comes in, as a student, in order to learn to make corrections in his use of himself, in order to adjust those things that have brought about the problems that had him seek help in the first place.
People from many walks of life finally find a solution with AT.
Students find that taking on the work of Alexander Technique affects more that the immediate reason, such as pain, that brought them to it. When one learns to work efficiently with the minimum of effort needed, one streamlines extraneous effort, and eliminates the pain and ‘side-effects’ of working counter to the way we were meant to function.