
Alexander Technique is a modality of Body-Mind coordination that gives students an access point to management of their movements and body.

This technique was discovered and codified in a manner that could be transmitted, by Frederick Matthias Alexander. It is a process of education through hands-on guidance, verbal cues, and clear patterns of thought that were discovered to re-educate people in their habitual patterns of movement and posture.

The foundation of this, was Alexander’s postulation that people do not have an accurate sense of the proper ‘use’ of their bodies, at rest, and in motion. And that habitual patterns were so ingrained and so subtle and so immediate, that one cannot heal himself. Thus, there is a mental discipline that is undertaken at the same time as a physical reorganization, as the connection between the ‘body’ and the ‘mind’ are not seen as separate actors.

Students find that taking on the work of Alexander Technique affects more that the immediate physical pain that brought them to it. When one learns to work efficiently with the minimum of effort needed, one streamlines extraneous effort, and eliminates the pain and ‘side-effects’ of working counter to the way we were meant to function.